Juan Pablo Weekly Status Report 5/1/2021

This week I added more concrete states to the game flow that not only instruct the user through the turns, but also prevents them from clicking something when they’re not supposed to or triggering a second shot too early. When the user presses shoot, a sequence of pop-ups will walk them through the process. Examples below include shooting information, waiting for opponent’s turn and prompting removal of cups, and rescanning cups.

This week I’m going to finish integrating my part with the ellipse detection and calibration by properly calling and testing the aim function and ensuring a correct relationship between the cups displayed and the cup scanning between turns.

Juan Pablo Weekly Status Report 4/24/2021

Last week I added some more final touches to the UI such as scaling it to properly display on the tablet we have in Pittsburgh. I’ve added the function calls in what seems to be the right place but I have been unable to test because I’m having some trouble with my Azure Kinect SDK installation. I’m trying my best to resolve that as soon as possible. This week I’m going to finish adding the scoreboard. I’m also going to continue integrating the calibration and cup scanning with the selection process and make sure functions are being called properly and in timely fashion. For the sake of time and overall experience we want to minimize the amount of waiting time a player has to do while playing the game without losing accuracy and precision.

Juan Pablo Weekly Status Report 4/3/2021

This week I continued to work on the UI. I’ve improved the overall look, the manual switching of cups, and added a rerack function that so far supports gents and diamond. The UI also recognizes when the Automatic Gentleman has won the game and announces accordingly.

This almost finished UI model was made with Tkinter and was originally gonna be integrated into the other C++/C components with some extra steps. This week I’m going to remove the need for those extra steps by making the UI fully functional in C++ which should make testing and integrating more straightforward.