Juan Pablo Status Report 4/10/2021

This week I fully converted the UI to be solely in C++ and operational through linux on a tablet. I managed to retain all the core features and added extra details such as not allowing reracks until there is the exact amount of cups needed left on the board.

This week I’m going to integrate some game state steps in the form of a progress bar that visually keeps track of the stage of the game i.e game start, running ellipse detection, waiting for player shot, shooting, game over, etc. I’m also looking to further improve the overall aesthetic quality of the UI.

Juan Pablo weekly status report 3/14/21

This week I continued to do research into Jetson nanos and arduinos because my prior experience is very limited. I’m going to be fully caught up very soon and I’ve been placing most of my efforts here so my lack of prior exposure doesn’t become a setback for the team. This week I’m going to further look through the code JP pushed earlier this week and make sure I fully understand the functionality of the ellipse detection. I’m also going to continue working on the motion planning and look further into how we are going to implement the user interface.

Juan Pablo Status Report 3/5/21

Spent some time learning about the Jetson nano and the interactions with the Arduino. I have also been looking into how to best implement the UI and have made potential models that should be easy to interact with. The UI will ideally help the user correct any issues that occur and so my goal is to make it as accessible and useful as possible. I’ve also been thinking about a possible method of lining up shots that would not only be based on absolute coordinates, but also on relative distance to another cup that has already been made. Hopefully this could come into play if we encounter any accuracy problems in the future.