JP’s Weekly Status Update (2/28/2021)

I created the github repository. Included all dependencies for openCv and the kinect camera. Took a while to get things to build and run properly. To aid in our ellipse detection, I found an open-source ellipse detection package that I can combine with some of my opencv code to make our detection rate more accurate. I was able to strip and reuse some of the algorithm and get it to build in our project. I took pictures of cups on my phone and ran the algorithm to successfully find cup edges when the camera is angled down at the cups. I was able to tune the algorithm to decrease any duplicates around cups but still need to work on filtering out extra ellipse detections sometimes. This coming week I am going to increase the distance that I capture the cup images and retest the algorithm. I am hoping to be able to run the algo in real-time with the kinect cameras instead of saved images.

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