Reid’s Status Report for 4/3/21

This week I was able to get data from the car and store each data point locally in variables in my program. I was able to get RPM, vehicle speed and fuel level data via USB. The data was then formatted to the correct units (RPM, MPH, gals). I tested the Python program in Samraj’s garage by revving the engine in park and slowly driving the car backward while not ruining our setup to get speed. We switched from the PiCan2 to the ELM327 with USB connection to get the data because we had serious issues with the PiCan2 and was never able to see any data. Next week I need to work with Ryan to integrate his SQLite database with my program and carefully look through the returned PIDs to find the non-standard PIDS (turn signal and steering wheel angle). Finding and formatting non-standard PIDs will likely take most of my week. I also received the USB breakout cable which I soldered to the rest of our power system (cigarette lighter outlet converter and UBEC Buck converter) so our entire system can be powered from the car battery.  The power is successfully stepped down from 12V to 5.3V. Now that this is done, we can do testing from entirely within the car next week.

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