Sai’s Status Report for 3/27/2021

This past week, I was able to get started on coding the web application’s HTML templates and integrated bootstrap features with it. I was able to finish getting the login, registration, and user dashboard pages implemented.  I’ve spent too much time focusing on the visual aspect (integrating bootstrap) of the web application, trying to make each element look perfect, and I realized that this has been making me fall behind schedule. I will be trying to implement the basic skeleton of the web application’s essential and main features first before getting bogged down on the visual details. Minor progress item, but I also placed the order for the headset we plan on using.

Pictures of the login and register pages are uploaded in the team status report. Here’s a picture of the user dashboard page:

For the upcoming week, I hope to finish getting a basic and simple pitch exercise page and a basic rhythm exercise page implemented as well as get started on the actions that control the functionality of the django application. I will also be working on implementing the database models that will store user info.

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