This week, my main task was to create the memory mapped I/O necessary to send controller input from the FPGA to the ARM core. In our design, we chose to use the lightweight AXI bus of the Cyclone V FPGA to accomplish this. Additionally, I set up my FPGA with a linux image that allows for a UART console and wrote a brief controller read program to test the communication. Finally, I set up an ARM cross-compilation development environment on my computer, using the arm-none-linux-gnueabihf library provided by arm, in order to compile the controller test program.
Under the current settings, the controller input is available to the ARM core at the base address of the lightweight AXI memory mapped I/O space (address 0xFF200000). The controller test uses /dev/mem to mmap this address into its address space and read from it, then prints the results to the console.
Due to my unfamiliarity with qsys, the process of bringing up this communication took longer than I expected. When all was said and done, I did manage to get communication working, though I ran out of time and was unable to finish the controller section of our interface (which would require wrapping it in a kernel module which has a call safely exposed to the user and definitions to ease in parsing buttons). Due to this, I’m slightly behind, but anticipate being able to catch up again next week.
A video of me running the controller test is available here:
The controller test: