Team Status Update for 4/11/20
Most of the technical risks have been resolved now. The few that remain are very small, but untested.
- Our target clock rate could be too fast. We have only tested 10Hz so far. This works, but we have not tested 1KHz yet.
- We run out of time soldering together the remaining 26 tiles. I am confident that we will have enough time if the digikey parts arrive soon.
Last week, we were unsure whether our own personal wood was too thick and we would risk the pad readings being inconsistent. The original plan was to sand down the top of each tile using a belt sander. However, Eric decided that the easiest solution would be to buy the 1/8″ wood that we originally designed the tiles for. Thus, we need to remake the 4 enclosures we had made last week.
We discovered that we have less time than we should have given ourselves in the Gantt chart, so we updated it accordingly. Now, we don’t have much slack time, and we need to be extra efficient.
Embedded: We removed the C++ tile simulation item in the Gantt chart, since we decided that it was no longer necessary. Melodee now only has a week to complete the firmware, so she will spend extra time working on it this week. She will also have to port the firmware to all of the microcontrollers, and work with Aarohi to connect the master tile with the interpreter program.
Tile Enclosures: Eric and Melodee have a week to construct all of the tile enclosures.
Circuits: Eric has a week to construct all of the tile circuits once the parts arrive.
GUI/Interpreter: So far, these two are on track for a workable demo given the number of tiles we have. Aarohi is a little behind on implementing functions, but prioritize implementing connecting the master tile with the interpreter with Melodee before working on functions.