4/5 Team Progress week 8
This week, during our meetings, we have discussed and planned for methods of integration for week 9 and 10.
Everyone in the team has made substantial progress in their individual components.
Zeyi has finished the majority of basic functions of the User Interface for our website. The intergration portion would be intergrating to Zehong’s algorithm to calculate the most optimal path and planned path given by the algorithm. A more detailed description of Zeyi’s progress is in his weekly report.
Zehong has finished the path planning algorithm and solved bugs within the original algorithm. Zehong also creates a map to help visual what the algorithm is doing. Zehong gives a detailed description of his work in his weekly report.
Finally, Carlos has continued to make progress on sensors. This week he mainly worked on testing the detection ranges of range sensors. He did multiple test cases and will be continuing to find the optimal setup for the 2 sensors. This portion will also need to be integrated to the website and algorithm. Carlo’s gives a more detailed description of his work in his weekly report.
Next week we will be focusing more on the beginning phase of the integration between our works.