Team Status Update 3/28/20

  • Connected graphics code to path planning code
    • Redesign classes to be more modular and compatible
  • Made adding vehicles on the track customizable
    • User can click anywhere on the track and have a car oriented appropriately
    • Added information at the bottom of the screen for future reference
  • Implemented simple non-cooperative and cooperative path planning algorithm
  • Discussed alternative track configurations to explore
Updated Gantt Chart

Updated Risk Management Plan

Having completed simple graphics and path planning algorithms, our upcoming tasks will be primarily optimization, enhancing our graphics, and possibly implementing another track design. In terms of optimization, the potential risks are that the cooperative approach simply does not see a significant increase in throughput compared to the non-cooperative case. This might be explained by the simplicity of the one lane figure-8 track design. And therefore, we would need to experiment with other designs where the difference might be more noticeable, specifically a two-lane approach. In addition to another design, we were considering displaying each vehicle’s decision making data to highlight the differences between approaches. We thought this would be more informative than just the visual of the vehicles moving along the track. Because we have gotten a good head start on the figure-8 track, we should be able to determine results within the next week, giving us plenty of time to implement another design with added complexity. Furthermore, while Tito and Kylee will be experimenting with fine-tuning parameters, Serris will continue to update the graphics to provide a more informative and maybe interactive report of the system.

Tito status report 3/28/2020

  • Built Cooperative path planning environment class
    • controls vehicle movements based on othetor vehicle locations and cooperative strategy
    • Current fairness strategy prefers vehicles from a longer queue but can scale to a more complex strategy given a set of features.
    • Environment continuously selects a single vehicle to pass through the intersection (of a figure 8 track)
    • Path planning class allows for a different number of cars on either track
  • Integrated path planning class with graphic simulation so that at every time step it takes as an input the vehicles on the track and updates their locations.
  • Tested performance of graphic simulation with PP class and it seems to work fine
  • Fixed a bug where certain cars could pass through other cars
  • TODO
    • Incorporate vehicle acceleration/deceleration to allow for smoother movement as opposed to the vehicles coming to an abrupt stop.
    • Investigate better fairness strategies to decide vehicle to pass through the intersection


Kylee Status Report 3/28/20

  • Decided on reasonable real world parameters based on papers read
  • Implemented the Intelligent Driver Model using these parameters
  • Analyzed the graphics and created a scale to convert pixels to meters
  • Cleaned up, modularized, and corrected graphics and vehicle code in existing codebase
  • Integrated the planning code with the graphics and vehicle code and tested
  • Worked on Risk Management Plan and updated Gantt Chart

Serris Status Update 3/28/20

  • Modularized code more to allow cars to turn right or left depending on which track its on
  • Personalized it so user sets cars initial location by clicking anywhere inside the track
    • Automatically sets the angle from location on track
    • Allows many different cases to test with no limit on number of cars
  • Display each cars data on the bottom of the screen
  • Working on getting a timer to find the relationship between vehicle class speed and rotations
    • Will help in later cases to calculate throughput over a given period
  • Created new gantt chart
  • TODO:
    • Make sure vehicles can’t overlap when adding to the track
    • Create new tracks
    • Develop vehicle class to make it more compatible with PP

Kylee Status Report 3/21

  • Planned for added complexities for our repurposed project
  • Wrote the Statement of Work
  • Participated in 3 meetings with the group to discuss project
  • Helped design the graphics code (ie. modularize, integrate with path planning, etc.)
  • Continued to research non-cooperative path planning
    • Ie. Trying to relate the purely simulated data such as pixels and angles with the equations that use real world measurements like meters per second.
  • TODO next week:
    • Start to implement simple planning code that stops when obstacle is sensed.

Team Status Update 3/21/20

  • Finalized new design to be simulated completely on software
    • Revised each member’s tasks/responsibilities
    • Discussed new goals and priorities
  • Completed Statement of Work
  • Conducted 3 meetings to devise a plan, split up responsibilities, and get some work started
  • Started designing graphics for simulation
    • Established car and track graphics
    • Modularized code to be compatible with previous path planning scripts
  • TO DO next week:
    • Finish basic simulation graphics (i.e. turn right, stop)
    • Test non-cooperative path planning algorithms on simulation

Serris Status Update 3/21/20

  • Discussed with team, TA and faculty member about change in design
    • Project will be purely software-based
    • Focus remains the same: showing the effect between cooperative vs non-cooperative autonomous driving
  • Worked on Statement of Work to go over parts of the project that are changing, being deleted or being added
  • Created simulation of figure-8 track with cars moving along the circle
    • Below shows example of progress
    • Yellow triangle denotes direction of car moving
    • Modularized code to make it more dynamic
    • simulate cars turning right
    • change speed based on path planning algorithms for non-cooperative case first
    • possibly different scenarios (i.e. different tracks, different car interactions)
  • Progress is as expected, will continue to advance simulation

Tito status report 3/21/20

  • Met with team members to discuss the rescoping of our project and redistributed tasks.
  • Detailed project restructuring in the new design report
  • Created a high-level processing pipeline for cooperative path planning
    • Identified useful cooperative signals for different track designs
  • TODO:
    • Write starter code for cooperative v2v communication
    • Integrate path planning code with graphic simulation

Team Status Update 3/7/20

  • Design Report
    • Finalized design report by clarifying design specifications such as tradeoffs, alternatives, metrics, etc.
    • Organized what has been done and what still needs implementing/testing
  • Accomplishments
    • Finalized path planning models/algorithms for cars (i.e. Intelligent Driver Model)
    • From the construction of the car, figured out steering mechanism and movement control of vehicles
    • Successfully constructed vehicle to move without glitches or power issues
    • Tested communication latency between server to client (NodeMCU)
    • Able to control one vehicle’s motors through Python server
  • TODO
    • After parts come in, construct other vehicles and test communication across multiple vehicles
    • Test latency between interaction with multiple clients
    • Test path planning algorithms on cars for movement and speed
    • Test camera detection on multiple vehicles running with tags
    • Implement digital simulation of cars

Serris Status Update 3/7/20

  • Revised/finalized design report
  • Did more research on power issue and came up with a solution for the scope of our project
    • After testing power on each part, decided to have different power supplies for NodeMCU and L298N driver so enough current would be available for the Wifi connection
    • ordered more parts to test interacting with multiple vehicles
  • Was able to control vehicle’s motors through a Python server
    • Connected NodeMCU to same WiFi network and controlled motion by byte commands
    • Was able to do so without glitches or power issues
    • Able to get an upper bound communication latency time
  • Progress is as expected
    • After spring break when the parts come, will begin testing motion with multiple connections and multiple vehicles