This week I worked on integration of all of the various components onto the Jetson Nano.
- I attempted to create a virtual environment and install the required libraries but ran into errors due to different versions of python3
- I upgraded python3, there were additional steps as it was an Ubuntu system.
- Following this, there were a few more errors regarding specific libraries which took to resolve on the whole
- Once all the requirements were met, I tried to start the django and apache front-end.
- I had to setup a tightserver so that I could headlessly access the local website
- I had to change the port the website was being hosted on as it was on the same port as the VNC remote access
- Setup the website to be accessible via LAN
- Issues with the way we were load YOLO weights which affected front-end, these also needed to be debugged.
Overall, I spent 8+ hours on integration. I had surgery earlier this week so I did not make much other progress.
Website being access via LAN