Team Status Report 12/3

This week, Jiyeon mainly worked on preparing dataset and training the YOLOv5 model for image classification. Since Rachana has dropped the course last week, she took over her part and started to work on it. She explored some options like YOLO and MobileNet, and decided to train YOLOv5. She took a total of 400 images of Advil and Tylenol in different angles, and annotated them with Roboflow. She split the dataset into three, which are train (70%), valid (20%), and test (10%), and trained the YOLOv5. So far with two classes (Advil and Tylenol) and 40 test images , her model has a 100% accuracy. She’s hoping to get more dataset and train her model to classify more objects.

Rescope plan for Jiyeon: Initially, we were aiming for 10 different objects, but now Jiyeon is targeting 5 different objects. Also, the web app will be very simpler than the original plan. For now, Jiyeon’s goal is to have the item and price displayed. If time allows, Jiyeon is hoping to add more features.


So last week, right, I was primarily working on setting up the raspberry pi and preparing for the final report.

While I was writing the final report, I realized that our design really has changed a lot since the beginning. Primarily because when I designed the hardware, I barely had any handson experience with any hardware in my life. I grew up in China which follows the Soviet education system, following mostly on the theoretical aspect in STEM rather than the hands on part.

We are not behind the schedule.

For next week, I plan to discuss with my professor and TA on whether to drill other holes or working on the micro-controller part.

Rescope plan for Mingrui Yang:

Instead of having a long conveyor belt, we plan to only have it as the length we have now. We do not even have a working shorter version, so making it longer seems risky because that might destroy the wood, and ending up with nothing working at all. Based on my previous experience, it is always safe to start small rather than being ambitious on our first complete engineering project.

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