Jiyeon’s Status Report 12/10

This past week was mainly dedicated to preparing final presentation and working on web application. In the beginning of this week, I mainly worked on preparing for the slides and conducted some testings to fill the slides in. Also, I was presenting this time so I put some time to practice my presentation. I also met with the professor to discuss about my progress and plans for the demo next week. I wrapped up the image classification as well since I have to work on web application and start integrating them together. I am currently using Django web framework to build the web app. My current plan is to build a web app that can capture image with an external webcam and then classify and display the item. My current web app can stream and capture the image from the webcam. I am working on integrating my model with the captured image, and will add item display page before the demo. I am currently behind on the schedule due to the unexpected work (image classification) so I am planning to build a basic web app and focus on the integration. After the demo next week, I will be working on the final report and video.

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