Karen’s Status Report for 12/10

This past week has been a lot of debugging. I have mostly been helping Arden run tests with the network to try to debug the transmission issues we were having. I also ran a bunch of tests with Ankita to get more data on how often our network was able to successfully run all the protocols, and which protocols it was failing in. I realized during testing that the code I had written for parsing the information from the graph of the tree was not correct. Ankita helped me write code for walking through the graph, as well as a test case so we could test locally before moving it to the RaspberryPi. I integrated that into the code for writing to the JSON file, and after testing that it worked locally I pushed it to the RaspberryPi. When we ran tests with the full system, it accurately recorded active links to the JSON file and we could see this reflected on the WebApp. I added heat shrink and some hot glue to the temperature sensors to ensure that the leads would not touch each other and that they were less likely to break off the sensor. Leading up to and after the demo, we will be running more tests to determine how accurate our network is and measure the power consumption of the nodes after the demo. 

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