Ankita’s Status Report for 11/05

This week was the most successful work week this semester in terms of the capstone project. I had to find a USB keyboard and mouse to use the monitors on campus easily but found an alternative way to create the web application. As Django can be installed locally on my laptop, I used it that way to make the web application and plan to scp it to the RPi when I can. The web application is now working: there is a map that shows our eight nodes as well as two other tabs on the web application created for the convenience of the user. I actually completely scrapped the design that I used in the design report in terms of the APIs and libraries I was planning on using. I was struggling with the app this past week, because I was trying to create an image map (images transposed on one another) but realized it was easier to use Folium, a library used to make maps. It made things way easier to implement and use. I was able to get a popup to show up at the node “on fire” and was able to change its color depending on if it is on fire or not. At the moment, the way of deciding if the node is on fire is through setting the node’s id in the code but will be changed to the output of the network when that is configured. This week I plan on possibly refining the web application more if it seems needed but transition to helping with the network.

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