Ankita’s Status Report for 10/22

In the past few weeks since the last status report, I worked with the rest of my team writing up the design document. After writing all our individual parts, we spent many hours combining our content into our document. I went home for fall break and took the Raspberry Pi with me. It was difficult to deal with because my home network is not that great but I got our fire-away web application up and running. Right now it is a skeleton web app and simply has text. I am trying to create a database that can take the status of each of the 8 nodes to signal to the application if the node is alive or not but am having trouble with that. I need to figure out how to create some table or database to keep track of that. Debugging some of the setup for the web application did take me some time. I have decided that if I were to create a skeleton that is taking in the data and assist with the actual routing protocol and network and then come back to the application to make it pretty and professional, it would be a more efficient use of my time. Therefore, depending on how much I get done in the upcoming week, I will shift around my individual Gantt chart components to have something worthwhile to show at the Interim Demo. So, I want to get the data inputs up and running but am not sure how to get that working. I will do more research on that and attempt it.

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