Ankita’s Status Report for 10/01

This past week has been really busy for me with other classes, so I haven’t done as much as I set out to do and am planning on adjusting my next week’s schedule accordingly. I got the Raspberry Pi 4 from the inventory and have been trying to find the best software for web application development to download. After doing lots of research, I decided on using Django as there are lots of tutorials/references as well as an easier learning curve. I wanted to choose a platform with easy management and this seems to be the best option. I also met with Professor Mukherjee regarding the issues I was having with the Raspberry Pi; now I am able to ssh into the Pi and am planning to download any software that our team needs onto the Pi. I did draw out a design of what the ideal interface should look like, with a map of all the nodes and a system that sends text alerts to the general public regarding the location of a fire. The rest of the time I have been working on the design presentation slidedeck. For the upcoming week, I am hoping to get a simple version of a web application up and running before adding special features.

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