Rachel’s Status Report for 10/2

This week, I mainly focused on putting together the design review slides, making sure that confusions from our proposal presentation will be clarified. Stephanie worked on doing some tests with generated data to identify what model might work best for our use case. As expected, some models performed better than others, so I did research on each model so that we can explain during the design review why some models perform better. I also figured the serial communication between the arduino and our python program, so once our glove is built, we can jump right into training and tuning our ML model.

I would say we are behind schedule because our parts did not come in until Friday. We can only hope that our generated data mimics the real data well enough that our predictions for which model will perform the best is still accurate. If not, that would set us back even more. However, since we have all of our parts (aside from the PCB, which isn’t a critical component of this project), I believe we can make up for lost time this week.

Next week, I will work on figuring how we are going to get the model to determine when a gesture starts and ends by doing more research on past projects. Some methods that could work are having a “nothing” pose that separates each sign, having a button to indicate the start of a gesture (not ideal), or waiting some amount of time after receiving data. I am also going to give our design review presentation.

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