This week, I was able to accomplish a few things towards the completion of our capstone project. I started off with my most important task which was to design the UI Model. I started off with simple sketches for multiple scenarios. These scenarios included the home screen, choosing the difficulties and different types of focuses for the workout as well as designing the actual pages for when the workouts were taking place. I tried to solidify these and refine them compared to what was presented in the proposal but the final version will be dependent on. I also begin the basic pygame framework and have it setup on my laptop. I will need to further refine this to be applicable to our design as well as our project. I would like to make more progress with the pygame application as we do not have our webcam yet so I was not able to test out the image capture process fully. I have been working with the laptop webcam to see if the same scenario is feasible for capturing and displaying video. I will have to do a bit more testing to integrate that with pygame and see if multi-threading is feasible with pygame. In terms of my progress I am a little bit behind right now but I don’t see that being a problem because the schedule has a bit of slack for me. My plan for next week is to fully integrate the video feed with the pygame application and have images be captured periodically. I will also be trying to integrate recorded videos into the pygame application.