

  • You will receive a handout in class with a list of project ideas.
  • Talk with the course staff if you'd like to propose your own project idea.
  • Piazza can be used to form groups.
  • See Recitation 2 for further details on projects.

Sample Reports

Important Dates

  • Pre-Proposal : September 15, 2015
  • Proposal: September 25, 2015
  • Milestone 1: October 20 and 21, 2015
  • Milestone 2: November 17, 2015
  • Final Presentation: December 14, 2015 (2:00 - 4:30 PM)
  • Poster Session: December 15, 2015 (1:30 - 4:30 PM)
  • Project Report Due: December 20, 2015 (midnight)

Milestone 1 (October 20 & 21)

Format: 15 min presentation + 5 min Q&A. Please practice for this length. You will be given a warning at 12 minutes and cut off at 15.

Submission: You must send your slides in pptx format to by 5:00pm on October 20th. We will be running all presentations on a staff computer to reduce delay between presenters.

What to present:

  • The problem you are solving + your goal
  • How is this different from past work? What is your novelty?
  • Your solution ideas + strengths and weaknesses
  • Your methodology to test your ideas
  • Concrete mechanisms you have implemented so far
  • Concrete results you have so far
  • What will you do next?


Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Presentation Schedule:

October 20th

Order Group
1 Kais Kudrolli and Raghav Gupta
2 Abhijith Kashyap
3 Elliot Rosen and Gaurav Srivastava
4 Elena Feldman, Ashish Shrestha and Amanda Marano
5 Damla Senol and Jeremie Kim

October 21th

Order Group
1 Vignesh Balaji
2 Dimitrios Stamoulis and Antonis Manousis
3 Amirali Boroumand and Minesh Patel
4 Jonathan Leung and Madhav Iyengar

Milestone 2 (November 17)

Format: 20 mins in total: presenting slides + discussion + feedback.

Please include a brief summary of everything you have done so far but focus on new results and your progress since the last milestone. Please also include your plan and (potentially revised) goals for the rest of the semester.

Submission: You must send your slides in pptx format to by 5:00pm on November 17th.

Location: CIC 4105


Time Slot Group
6:30 - 6:50 PM Damla Senol and Jeremie Kim
6:50 - 7:10 PM Amirali Boroumand and Minesh Patel
7:10 - 7:30 PM Abhijith Kashyap
7:30 - 7:50 PM Elena Feldman, Ashish Shrestha and Amanda Marano
7:50 - 8:10 PM Elliot Rosen and Gaurav Srivastava
8:10 - 8:30 PM Vignesh Balaji
8:30 - 8:50 PM Jonathan Leung and Madhav Iyengar
8:50 - 9:10 PM Dimitrios Stamoulis and Antonis Manousis
9:10 - 9:30 PM Kais Kudrolli and Raghav Gupta

Final Presentation (December 14th)

When: December 14th, 2015 (2:00 - 4:30 PM)

Where: CIC 4th Floor, Panther Hollow Conference Room

Format: 15 mins in total: presenting slides (12 mins) + Q&A (3 mins). Please practice for this length. You will be given a warning at 10 minutes and cut off at 12.

Submission: You must send your slides in pptx format to by 11 AM on December 14th. We will be running all presentations on a staff computer to reduce delay between presenters.

What to present:

  • The problem you are solving + your goal
  • How is this different from past work? What is your novelty?
  • The key idea behind your solution
  • More details on your mechanims
  • Your methodology to test your ideas
  • Results and analyses from your evaluation and comparison with prior work
  • Conclusion with advantages and shortcomings of your mechanism and future work

Presentation Schedule (14th December)

  1. Dimitrios Stamoulis and Antonis Manousis
  2. Jonathan Leung and Madhav Iyengar
  3. Vignesh Balaji
  4. Elliot Rosen and Gaurav Srivastava
  5. Elena Feldman, Ashish Shrestha and Amanda Marano
  6. Amirali Boroumand and Minesh Patel
  7. Abhijith Kashyap

Presentation Schedule (16th December)

  1. Damla Senol and Jeremie Kim
  2. Kais Kudrolli and Raghav Gupta

Poster Session (December 15th)

When: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 (1:30-4:30 PM).

Where: CIC 4th Floor

We will provide easels, poster boards and pushpins. Light food/beverages will also be provided.

Printing: You'll be individually responsible for printing your poster. The default recommendation is the Fedex Kinko's in the UC. The recommended size is 30x40in. 24x30in is minimum size. Please be aware that printing takes time, so we recommend you submit it for printing at least 24hrs in advance.

example poster 1 pdf, example poster 1 ppt

example poster 2 pdf, example poster 2 ppt

more example posters

Final Project Report (December 20th)

You will hand in a report in the conference submission style. Your final report should be formatted and written as if you are submitting the report to a top computer architecture conference. The report should include the following:

  • A descriptive title and author names
  • Abstract
  • Introduction (Problem and Motivation)
  • Related Work and its Shortcomings
  • Description of the Techniques (designed and evaluated)
  • Evaluation Methodology
  • Results and Analyses
  • Conclusion/Summary
  • Lessons Learned, Shortcomings, and Future Work
  • Acknowledgements (if any)
  • References (cited throughout the paper)

The page limit is 10 double column, single-spaced pages. Make sure your document is spell-checked and grammatically sound. You are encouraged to use the LaTeX template above.

Advice: The key characteristic that distinguishes a “good” research paper from a “bad” one is the existence of “clearly explained insight.” I expect the highest quality of writing as well as clear descriptions of the ideas and techniques from the final report. Even if your research results in a “negative result” (not all research ideas pan out to be useful, in fact few of them do) writing it in a very insightful and intuitive manner can make the research very powerful and important. So, please do spend a significant amount of time and effort to ensure that your report is insightful and explains the ideas very clearly (possibly with examples and good analogies).


See the readings throughout this course for examples. Some selected favorites:

Mutlu and Moscibroda, “Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling,” ISCA 2008.

Onur Mutlu, Hyesoon Kim, and Yale N. Patt, "Address-Value Delta (AVD) Prediction: Increasing the Effectiveness of Runahead Execution by Exploiting Regular Memory Allocation Patterns," MICRO 2005.

Project Resources

Others available