Johnny Tian’s Status Report


  1. All updated parts printed
    1. updated batter pack: make it slightly bigger to allow the battery smoothly sliding in and out for charging and plugging cords.
    2. update pi casing: make it wider and longer to fit in the cables.
  2. bike assembled (picture in team status report)
    1. cable sorted to prevent tangle with wheels.
    2. Heat shrinked all connection points to prevent shorting with other parts.
    3. Additional nuts installed in pi casing to allow more stable top board display.


  1. Finished Assembling hardware and electrical soldering
  2. Finished printing parts
  3. Finished All cads

Plan for Next Wek

  1. Make Poster
  2. Make final report
  3. Prepare backup parts in case accidents
  4. Water-proof bike after testing.


Johnny Tian’ Status Report April 20th


  1. Finish assemble half bike
    • Have a 1st version of Display mount: rear radar assembly, pi&battery center assembly, display mount
  2. Update CAD
    • PI and Battery Cad are too small, redid cad and waiting to be printed and install
  3. Testing
    • Assembled everything but front radar for preliminary testing


  1. Finished half of the bike assembling, due to parts printing time.
  2. Done with all cad.

Plan for Next Week

  1. Fully install bike for further testing


More images can be found in team status report.

Johnny Tian’s Status Report April 6th


  1. Print out LED, Radar, Switch, Battery, Display casing and test fit
    • Need update design for bolt joints (4h)
  2. Finish all cad, electrical wire holes sizes are subject to be fine tune base on final electrical wiring. (6h)
  3. Interm Demo (2h)


  1. Finish final print for Radar LED assembly and button enclosure
  2. Need to finish Print for battery, pi, screen (delayed)

Plan for Next week

  1. Update battery, pi, screen CAD for cable size
  2. Finish final prints.


Display Mount Cad

Johnny Tian’s Status Report Mar 30th


  1. Mandetary lab
  2. Button, Magnetometer test software.
  3. Button Case, Radar Case, Led Case Update
  4. 3d Printer Setup


  1. Finished Turn Switch, Radar, LED Casing Cad
  2. Started Prints
  3. Need to Finish display led 

Plan for Next Week

  1. Finalize all Cad
  2. Print out LED, Radar, Switch, Battery, Display casing and test fit


Johnny Tian’s Status Report Mar. 23rd


  1. Ethics Related (4h)
  2. Testing radome (0.5h)
  3. Continue Update Design (7.5h)


  1. Finished Part of all Cad sections, some still needs to be fully complete
  2. Unable to start print finished parts

Plan for Next Week

  1. Start print finished parts
  2. Finish rest of the parts
  3. assemble printed parts and test fit.


Johnny Tian’s Status Report Mar. 16th


  1. Ethics (4h)
  2. CAD designs(8h)
    • Turns Switch Cad V1
    • Led Cad V1
    • Pi V1


  1. CAD (Partial Finish, still need battery)

Next Week Plan 

  1. Battery Cad
  2. Refine all Cad
  3. Turn switch electrical section


Switch Cad V1

Led Cad V1

Johnny Tian’s Status Report Mar. 9th

Accomplishment of This Week

  1. status report (7h)
    • Design Trade Off for turn signals.
    • System Implementation for enclosure and turn signals.
    • Section 7 test and verification.
    • Part of section 8 project management.
  2. Radar Cad enclosure design (5h)
    • Decided to go with polyurethane foam over polycarborate or abs board – radar have a very specific requirement for the thickness and density of the radome (cover for the radar). Off shelf sheets often don’t have required thickness for the cover and 3d printing abs will not provide a uniform density. Hence, the best option is to use polyurethane foam which is practically invisable to radar.
    • Image See below


  1. Design Review (DONE)
  2. First iteration CAD  Design (Partial Finish)

Plan for Next Week 

  1. Cad Turn signals
  2. Cad Turn switches
  3. Cad main section.


Johnny Tian’s Status Report Feb. 24th

Accomplishment of This Week 

  1. Mandatary Lab Meeting (4h)
    • presentation and peer review
  2. Finish Schematics (3h)
    • update switch connection from 5v to 3.3v since pi gpio are default 3.3V
    • Decide on resistor values
      • Potentiometer value (P) 20kOhm. Then we have V_divide  = 3.3 * R_pot / (R_pot + R_lim). We want to maximize voltage changing rate wrt. R_pot when resistor in middle, which when potentiometer reading (0.5 P) 10k Ohm. Hence we want to maximize first value of the above equation. Then we set R_pot as 10k find first derivative. Then find second derivative wrt. R. Then set the second derivative to 0, which gives us R = 20k will be best. This lead to the center voltage being 1.1V and Max Voltage Read being 1.6V. We will tentativly settle with this. Next week we shall test the noise and the level of accuracy to see if we need to change source from 3.3V to 5V.
      • Current limiting resistor 20k Ohm for switch just to be sonsistent with current limiting for handle bar position sensor. 3.3V / 20k = 0.165mA => 0.544mW each gpio pin.
    • Decide transistor model.
  3. Collect CAD file for RPI4 and Lidar and upload to drive (1h)
  4. Worked on design review slides (4h)


  1. Finished Turn switch schinematics
  2.  No Simulation, (due to simplicity of design)
  3. Collected CAD model for known parts.

Plan for Next Week

  1. Test Led circuit on breadboard
  2. start led cad
  3. investigate where to get polycarbonate


Johnny Tian’s Status Report for Feb. 10th

Accomplishment of this week

  1. Mandatory Lab (4h)
  2. Presentation Technical Challenge, System Choice, Solution Approach (4h)
  3. Research Switch, LED, Battery  (4h)

Schedule Update

  1. Unable to start schematics due to lack of parts order. Need to postpone the circuit design due to parts not available.

Next Week Plan

  1. Start Box Exterior Design (50%)
  2. Start schematics design for switch tail light (50%)
