This Week’s Work
- Implemented physical control of turn signal lights
- Implemented auto-cancellation using magnetometer
- Started integration with Jack’s radar code
For details, please see the “State of the UI” section below.
Out of the two deliverables from last week, I partially completed one (in orange) and did not make any progress on the last task (in red).
- Complete implementation of turn signal control
- Complete radar implementation
The only real work remaining for the turn signal stuff on my end is to mitigate the issue where we need to physically turn the compass 90 degrees for it to report a change of 60 degrees – I have a potential workaround (see below)
However, I am behind on the radar implementation task. I will check with Jack on whether this is something he can take on, since theoretically we can reuse the stuff he does for the RCW specifically for the FCW. I’m also realizing it is somewhat ill-defined what radar implementation is – I think a good definition at this point is to have code to filter the points from the radar, identify which of them correspond to a vehicle directly in front (for FCW), and send the distance and relative velocity of that car to the UI.
Upcoming Deliverables
The deliverables for this week are similar to last week’s, except changing “radar implementation” to “radar and UI integration”.
- Complete implementation of turn signal control
- Complete radar and UI integration
State of the UI
Here’s a more detailed rundown of what the state of the UI is as of the time of this writing.
Turn Signal Lights
I implemented code to drive the actual turn signal lights through GPIO pins which in turn control transistor gates. There is a minor issue where the on-screen turn signal indicator isn’t synchronized with the physical turn signal light, but for now it should be OK.
Turn Signal Auto-Cancellation
For our turn signal auto-cancellation system, we are using the Adafruit MMC5603 Triple-Axis Magnetometer as a compass. As a quick refresher, the idea of using the compass is that when we activate a turn signal, we record the current bicycle heading. Then, once the bicycle turns beyond a certain angle (currently targeting +- 60 degrees of the starting heading) we automatically turn off the turn signals.
Adafruit provides libraries for Arduino and Python, but since the UI code is written in Javascript there weren’t any pre-written libraries. Therefore, I ended up writing my own code to interface with it.
As mentioned last week, I’m using the i2c-bus library to communicate with the MMC5603 chip over I2C. With help from the MMC5603 datasheet and Adafruit’s C++ library for the MMC5603, we now have support for obtaining the raw magnetic field measurements from the MMC5603.
To convert those raw readings into a heading, I implemented the algorithm described in this Digilent article.
There is an issue where rotating the magnetometer reports 60 degrees of angle change only when it’s actually rotated 90 degrees. We can work around this in code right now by setting a lower threshold to auto-cancel the turn signal (perhaps 40 degrees so it’ll turn off when the bicycle rotates 60 degrees physically), but we may need calibration. From what I briefly read online though, this won’t be a simple process.
I also implemented the ability to override the bike angle to some fake angle in the debug menu. Here’s a video I recorded (a CMU account is required) showing the overriding angle feature and the turn signal auto-cancellation.
Integration with radar
The UI side is ready to receive real radar data! The general overview is that Jack’s code will do all the data processing, identify one vehicle each in front, behind, left, and right, and send their distances and velocities in a JSON string to my program. We will be using named pipes, created using mkfifo.
On the UI side, I based my code off of this StackOverflow answer. There was a slight hiccup initially when we were testing passing data from Python to JavaScript when the Python side seemed to buffer multiple JSON strings before actually sending them over the pipe, resulting in a crash on the Javascript side as it received a single string with multiple objects at the top level which isn’t valid JSON. We fixed this by inserting a flush call after sending each string on the Python side.