Ankita’s Status Report for 9/24

Since we have just pivoted to a new project, I have spent the last few days researching how to develop a web application. As a group we have decided to use a RPi to host the web application so I have been doing some personal research on how to set that up. I think that the best option to host the web application is to use Heroku so I have been looking into using that. For simplicity and convenience, the web application’s code that I will be writing will all be in Python. I have also been drawing out designs of what the web application should actually look like. I know that I want to have a graphic that looks like a heat map that will change colors as “fire” is detected at a specific node. I am planning on creating a sample web application just to familiarize myself with the platform in the upcoming week as well as coming up with a drawn out design of what the desired web application should look like. So far, with our adjusted schedule, I am on track and will discuss with staff about ordering a RPi in the upcoming week.

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