This past week, I prepped a lot for the presentation on Monday and made sure I understood every part of the project. And once again, it ended up being a lot of debugging for everyone. I had to adjust around my web application a lot as well because we initially were going to rescope to only 7 nodes but ended up switching back to 9 nodes so I had to readjust everything again. And while testing, it uncovered a bug in how I was doing some of the web application. Essentially, I was not showing the dead links and adding the links of the STP after showing the dead links. Apart from the web application, I helped debug some parts of the graph code to eliminate nodes from the graph when they are dead and assisted with helping fix the JSON file writing. I had two final exams this week so I spent a lot of time studying for those. Today, however, we settled on how we are planning to demo and got some runs going. I have also gotten a start on the final paper and created slides for a demo to make sure anyone who has never seen our project before will be able to understand the project. We still need to do more testing to measure all of our requirements. I will be reaching out to course staff for assistance in measuring power consumption in the next day or so.