Karen’s Status Report for 9/24

I spent the beginning of the week finishing and preparing for the proposal presentation. After speaking with Professor Mukherjee and our TA Adnan about pivoting our project, I started researching ways to lower power consumption in order to make different “power modes” for our nodes based on how much power is left in the batteries. It seems the main considerations will be how long we want the wake-up time to be, what peripherals we plan to use to wake up the node, and whether or not we want to preserve registers and SRAM for choosing which low power mode to use. The STOP modes are in the middle of balancing power consumption with wake-up time, so it might be good to use one or more of the STOP modes when the system is first starting to get low on battery. Which STOP mode is best will depend on how we want to wake up the node. I will have to talk with Arden about whether the networking will require certain peripherals active even when the node is in a low power mode. For even lower power, we could potentially use standby mode. This has a longer wake-up time, will restart the program, and turn off all peripherals, but the trade-offs may be worth it if power is critically low. I am on track to start designing the different power modes for the nodes this upcoming week.

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