Ankita’s Status Report for 2/17/24

Work Done

This week, I contributed to the design review presentation with the rest of my group members (the hardware implementation plan, testing approaches, and system specification/block diagram.) I also tried to set up the Raspberry Pi and IP camera (unfortunately, we’re waiting on the microSD card for the RPi to come in so I wasn’t able to make too much progress with that.) I also made a first pass at the object detection code using a pre-trained Haar classifier for vehicles I found online. A screenshot of the code is below; the classifier is from this GitHub repo.


I’m somewhat behind schedule, unfortunately, since I haven’t been able to connect the IP camera to the RPi or figure out how to connect them to CMU-SECURE. Once the microSD cards come in I should be able to get on that next week. I’m on schedule for the object detection code, since I’m supposed to finish it by the end of next week.


By next Monday, I will do the following:

  • Test and debug object detection code on actual traffic camera footage
  • Connect RPi to CMU-SECURE and IP camera to WiFi as well

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