Ronit’s Status Report for 3/30/2024

Tasks accomplished this week

This week, I worked on getting the laser diode working by constructing a small circuit on the breadboard (3+ hours). This involved using the Raspberry Pi to turn on or turn off the diode, so I also had to write a small script to control the pins (3+ hours). This task now allowed us to achieve the laser pointing functionality of the rover.

In addition, as mentioned in the status report last week, I worked on communication from the distributed CV server to the rover (5+ hours). This involved researching on the best way to send instructions, and I implemented a communication protocol over WiFi. I also started working a little bit on the control logic for how much the rover has to turn and where the rover should stop (2+ hours); however, this isn’t fully implemented yet.


I believe I am on track now, as many of the important components of our system are now implemented; it’s just a matter of testing it out and refining certain components. I am going to work extensively next week with my partners to test out our overall system in time for the interim demo.

Deliverables for next week

For next week, I hope to implement and test out the control logic for the rover. This involves trigonometric calculations and measuring the latency of communication between the CV server and the rover.

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