Team Status Report for 4/27/2024

Significant Risks and Contingency Plans

The most significant risk to our project right now is determining what kind of search pattern to implement if creeping line search does not work despite running the same rover commands. However, as mentioned in the previous status report, using a somewhat randomised search would be optimal and wouldn’t compromise on the time taken to detect the human. We simply must ensure that the rover doesn’t move out of our scenario arena by fine tuning the rover commands. Additionally, the accuracy of the object detection has a tradeoff with increasing the latency of communication from the CV server to the rover. However, this will also be finalised with increasing the sample rate of breaking the video in frames in the CV server and spawning fewer worker nodes to ensure the system can take up more frames without compromising on latency. Finally, even though our scenario design is mostly finalised, we need to work on what might be the best way to demonstrate our project. We will flush these details out in the next week.

System Changes

Currently, our rover only turns on the x-axis. However, we decided to implement moving the PTZ camera as well to point the laser with more accuracy on the y-axis. This will allow us to account for the various heights people have and whether they’re sitting or standing.

Apart from this, we might look into implementing obstacle detection with the ultrasonic sensor if time permits this, even though it is likely we would just focus on testing our system intently. It is okay for the purposes of our project if this isn’t implemented as our use case requirement is of a semi-flat terrain with no obstacles.

Other Updates

For other updates, we are working on our final deliverables. Not much would change from our design report apart from our system changes, and we will also work on designing a final poster that is informative and intriguing.

Ronit’s Status Report for 4/27/2024

Tasks accomplished this week

This week, I worked on the final presentation with my partners (6+ hours). This involved writing out the slides, getting images from our rover and from overall testing, and changing some of the block diagrams to reflect our new system design.

I also heavily worked on scenario testing with David and Nina (4+ hours). This involved running repeated tests with humans in different positions with the search pattern. During these scenario tests, we tested offsets between laser and human’s position, latency, rover movement, and overall functionality.

I also implemented some logic in changing the communication with the rover to include y-axis angle turns to point the laser at the person (2+ hours). This involved some more trigonometric calculations and changes in the file creation on the RaspberryPi for rover movement. I also looked into whether we should implement obstacle detection using an ultrasonic sensor even though it isn’t a part of our use case requirement (2+ hours). If it would be possible to execute such a program, we might look into implementing it if we have enough time after testing.


I believe I am on track, and our testing results are successfully meeting a lot of our design goals. Slight improvements are needed in the system before the final demo, and I am confident we will achieve our goals.

Deliverables for next week

To wrap up the capstone, for next week, I will work intently on making sure our scenario test is well designed and demoed. I will also work on the poster and final report with my partners.

David’s Status Report for 4/20/2024

Accomplished Tasks

These weeks were the weeks of Carnival and putting things together. Over the last two weeks, I worked on putting all our separate components together, both in hardware and in software. I first worked with the team to put together the hardware; this meant designing the wiring schematic to figure out which wires would be connected where, and linking together the rover, the PTZ motor (and camera), and the laser. I added a breadboard to help unify the wires, and also labelled the length of the wires (to determine which should be longer than others. Fortunately, the hardware unification was a success! All the components worked after combining them all, which was amazing as now the whole rover was functional with all the pieces on it. Several wood structures were laser cut to help provide structure and stability to the rover’s components.

On the software end, I had to combine all the software code together. This comprised of unifying 4 disjoint files for the laser, moving, camera streaming, and PTZ moving into one big file. The moving code was also created to properly take in inputs from the CV side and points towards the targeted person as was initially planned. All the code unification worked as well, as the rover was now able to concurrently (using threads) stream, move, and point lasers, as well as read inputs from the CV side. Unfortunately, I have not resolved the issue of making the rover be able to do the same things twice, causing changes that still need to be done for the search pattern.

In regards to new tools and new knowledge, I had to learn a lot for this project from all sorts of places. I was unfamiliar with Raspberry Pi’s, UART communication, and all the sorts of libraries needed for the code. To learn these, I had to read an extensive amount of documentation online, along with observing examples of what people did on forums. Typically reading documentation provided the bulk of the understanding, while forum posts helped guide alongside. I also asked help from my TA Aden, who helped greatly in providing some invaluable guidance, advice, and assistance throughout the whole process.


My progress is on track, with the full end-to-end rover now put together. Now it comes down to tuning the rover to perform as accurately as we had planned for it to do. This will involve many tests and small adjustments, but with the main infrastructure there, it should be doable. There can also be some work in “pretty-ifying” the work as well.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I plan to have the rover fully functional *and* accurate, as well as present the Final Presentation. This means making sure that the rover is able to perform the given task of finding the person, and pointing at them with the laser with an acceptable accuracy. This is mostly fine-tuning, but is still critical nonetheless.

Ronit’s Status Report for 4/20/2024

Tasks accomplished this week

This week, I primarily worked on the rover side of things, where I worked with my partners on laser cutting parts to hold all of our components on the rover stable (4+ hours). This allowed us to achieve stability on the rover during movement.

I also worked on making modifications to code for communicating with the rover (5+ hours). This involved researching a different way than SSH to create a file on the rover remotely. I also worked with David on what kind of file to create and how the rover should interpret the file (1+ hour). I also performed significant testing of the CV server to make sure the program works through various edge cases like the camera not being turned on, duplication of remote file creation et cetera (4+ hours).


I believe I am still on track, and we have testing results that verify our design requirements. I am a little behind on working on the final slides, but that will be done over the course of the day.

Deliverables for next week

For next week, I will work on the final presentation and general testing of the rover. This heavily involves scenario design as we prepare for the final demo.

Team Status Report for 4/20/2024

Significant Risks and Contingency Plans

The most significant risk to our project right now is improving the accuracy of our object detection of finding people. Recently, it has detected people as cats, dogs, and even a refrigerator which means we need to refine the CV algorithm used in our camera feed. In addition, we still need to parallelize the rover’s movements as well as the camera PTZ function since they can not be done in a concurrent manner. If this is unresolvable, we can use another RPi attached to a power bank to run the PTZ code separately from the rover’s. This also brings up the concern of power consumption as our rover has around 40 minutes of runtime. We might add an additional power source for the RPi to be connected to should this be not enough for our demo. We also have spare batteries for the rover in case its overall runtime is too short.

System Changes

Currently, our rover is integrated with our camera being able to send information to the CV server and web application as the rover is moving and will automatically ping the laser to be turned on once a person has been spotted. We are still working on stability issues and making sure the camera has a centralized line of direction so we can maintain our search pattern even after it has found someone.

Also, our rover has been struggling to maintain consistent movement. The same code running twice may cause different behavior for seemingly unknown reasons, causing a constant search pattern to be erratic. As a result, a design change has been to have a more randomized search pattern to “embrace” this erratic-ness, instead of having the rigid creeping line search pattern from before.

Other Updates

For our final demo, we are working on the final presentation slides as well as making sure there are no edge cases with our demo regarding turning and object detection.  We are running simulations in Techspark using a preset search pattern and ensuring communication is smooth and fast between subsystems.

Nina’s Status Report For 4/20/2024

Accomplished Tasks

For this week, my team and I worked on integrating all of our subsystems. We began by moving all the code to the rover’s RPi and meshing together the laser circuit and I/O from the PTZ so that it would be unified on a breadboard with shared ground and power. In addition, to mount the camera on the rover, I glued and stabilized pieces of wood with laser cut holes to hold the camera in place. This was to ensure the camera would be at a tall enough height for the rover to “search” and find people with visible parts.

For new tools and technologies learned, I had to learn about the RaspberryPi framework from scratch as I had never previously worked on it before. Due to the older hardware we were working with, I had a lot of struggles dealing with errors from deprecated libraries that were no longer maintained on certain RPi operating systems. This meant flashing multiple SD cards with different OS’s trying to resolve firmware dependencies and installation requirements. To mitigate these obstacles, I primarily found watching youtube videos of people working with RPi’s to be helpful since they had step by step explanations of how the hardware was connected to the RPi and what different ribbon cables were for. Regarding solving problems with RPi dependent libraries and getting the camera to work in general, I surveyed across a variety of RPi forums and stack exchange threads as many people would either be dealing with the same issue or something somewhat relevant to mine. Many times, I would need to think of a novel way to communicate the video feed between the camera and my web application as many online methods were using modern picamera libraries that weren’t compatible with our older Arducam. Although there was a steep learning curve, it was good to know that people online were also dealing with similar issues with setting up the camera and finding workarounds with the configurations was shared throughout forums everywhere.


My progress is slightly behind on my web application since I was originally researching on how to configure an interface on the web application that would send keypresses from the PC to the RPi which would register movements for the PTZ gimbal since the PTZ movement library is only compatible on the RPi operating system. Thus, triggering keypresses would need to be sent remotely to the RPi through means of SSH or possibly even sockets. However, we recently decided against manual authorization of the PTZ by rescue workers since we already planned on creating a script that would have it move autonomously and adding manual movement could cause us to veer off course as we don’t have sensors to prevent the rover from running into obstacles. I hope to also include tracking people’s locations, however, communication with the CV server has proven to be difficult since I am broadcasting the camera stream to the server with no obvious input being able to be sent back.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I plan to finish my web application and have it be deployed onto the AWS server while ensuring low latency communication with the camera feed. In addition, I will help with ensuring the rover is fully integrated as well as run tests to make sure we have hit all our design goals.

Team Status Report for 4/6/2024

Significant Risks and Contingency Plans

The most significant risk to our project right now is getting the entire rover together and assembling the various parts. A lot of our subsystems are working in parallel right now, so assembling it onto the rover might involve dealing with some integration of these systems. Additionally, because we’re running so many processes on the rover, we must figure out if the Raspberry Pi can handle execution of multiple processes. This potentially might involve using another Raspberry Pi, so we must figure out a way to power and mount the other Raspberry Pi if this system change is needed. The contingency plan for this is to get a small portable power supply and strap that onto the rover in case the rover cannot power two Raspberry Pis. We might get one anyways so that no drive time is lost when using two Raspberry Pis.

There is also a risk that the rover cannot turn completely accurately. There is an inconsistency every time I run the same code, causing perfect 90 degree turns to not be possible. This is definitely concerning, causing for investigations into a possible “randomized” search algorithm, or a way to have sensors to allow for the rover to turn properly. This could perhaps involve the camera feed as such a sensor.

System Changes

As of right now, there are no major system changes apart from the one discussed above. We have to figure out if the Raspberry Pi can handle the execution of our multiple processes concurrently. If this is not possible, there will be a system change with the use of two Raspberry Pis and a portable power supply to power one Raspberry pi.

Other Updates

For our interim demo, we created our updated Gantt Chart to reflect our progress and planning for our future. There has been no change in this schedule, and we plan on starting complete testing and validation of our rover soon.

Validation and Verification

We have been using a series of unit tests to test out the functionality of our subsystems, which is discussed in our individual status report. For the testing of our system, we are going to conduct a variety of scenario tests. We will be monitoring all of our subsystems like the CV server and the website visually to make sure everything is going smoothly. We will also visually inspect if the rover is able to consistently travel in a creeping line search pattern and if it can accurately detect and point a laser pointer at a human. This will be done by making sure that the rover doesn’t miss a human and the rover is able to stop, turn, and point the laser at the human accurate to ±1 feet. We will also be measuring the time taken for the entire process of human detection using timestamps on each of our subsystems. This will ensure whether we’re meeting our 50ms latency requirement.

Ronit’s Status Report for 4/6/2024

Tasks accomplished this week

This week, I worked primarily on making sure everything was functional for our interim demo. This involved coding some logic to show the professor and TA that the CV server is actually able to detect humans. I did this primarily by implementing code that draws bound boxes on the region of the image detected as a person (4+ hours). This potentially opens up to the possibility of displaying this information on the website, which I will discuss thoroughly with Nina.

I also implemented some control logic for the rover (9 + hours). This was implemented on the CV server and involved making trigonometric calculations on how much the rover should turn. This involved recognising the depth of the human (how for the person is from the camera), which I did by measuring the relative size of people from the camera. This allows us to accurately turn the rover towards the person. However, I still need to account for latency between the CV server and the person, which I will implement next week.


I believe I am still on track. Every component of the distributed CV server is implemented, and some design decisions need to be finalised, which would be completed within a couple of hours. This would allow for me to focus more on scenario testing in the future.

Deliverables for next week

For next week, I hope to make decisions on how many worker nodes to spawn by performing speedup analysis. Additionally, by doing this, I hope to get a sense of the latency of communication between the CV server and the rover and include it within my control logic.

Verification and Validation

Throughout my progress in developing the CV server, the laser pointer, and communication protocols, I have been running unit tests to make sure the modules being implemented function as desired and meet our design requirements. I have tested out the laser pointer activation thoroughly through visual inspection and execution of the server-to-rover communication protocol. I have also thoroughly tested out the accuracy of the object detection algorithm through execution on stock images and have attained a TOP-1 accuracy of 98%, which is significantly greater than our design requirement of 90%.

I am also going to analyse the speedup achieved by the distributed CV server through unit testing of the execution of object detection on the video stream, which will allow me to determine the number of CV nodes to spawn. This must be greater than 5x as per our design requirements. I will also thoroughly test out the accuracy of the point control of the laser through scenario testing and make sure to tune this logic to achieve our goal offsets. This will be done by manually measuring the distance between the laser and the human upon execution of the entire system.

David’s Status Report for 4/6/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week was the week of the Interim Demo. In regards to this, I managed to present the biggest success I had this project: getting the rover to move under my command through my own code! It involved a lot of hours of work, running into trouble after trouble. The inconsistency of documentation certainly did not help, since the JSON commands were unclear. However, even worse was the number of Raspberry Pi errors. My original Raspberry Pi had a broken TX pin that caused the JSON commands to be unable to be sent over UART communication; this was only debugged with TA Aden’s help (THANK YOU!). Another RPi I tried struggled to connect to the Internet despite visibly being connected. Fortunately, the last RPi I tried (the FIFTH one) managed to work, and I was able to control the rover through the RPi. As a reminder, this means that I am now able to control the rover through a computer connected to CMU wifi, effectively allowing for the system communication to all come together.

In order to verify the rover movement system works correctly, I have implemented benchmark testing to get a better understanding as to how much power needs to be given for the rover to move as directed (eg. how much power is needed to turn left). I also test whether or not the rover can drive straight. This involves testing the rover with predetermined simple paths (like a rectangle), and seeing if it can return to the original position, and facing in the right way.

See the rover move!


My progress is quite on track, though the end-to-end demonstration has not been put together yet. We had ideally wanted this to work a week or so ago, so all my focus will be on how to put everything together, including system communication and the infrastructure on the rover.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I plan to have the communication working out between the CV servers and the rover controlling system. This involves investigating the threading abilities of the RPi, along with figuring out how to translate the CV-detected person to directional commands. Working these out would finalize communication amongst the whole system, enabling everything to be put together.

Nina’s Status Report For 4/6/2024

Accomplished Tasks

This week, I was able to get a TCP stream running on my personal computer rather than just having the camera stream show on the RaspberryPi desktop by running a libcamera-vid script. I did so through the use of picamera2 documentation that allowed me to capture the video stream and point it to a web browser. In addition, I embedded this stream link using iframe into my website application to introduce formal monitoring of where our rover will be searching. Furthermore, I was able attach and implement a separate imx219 camera to our rover using the ribbon cable but still keep the i2c connections for the PTZ gimbal. This way, we can still have an ongoing camera feed but also have the ability to move our camera around for 180 degree panning.


Currently, I am working on introducing more features to my web application such as incorporating keypresses that allow for manual movement of the camera PTZ gimbal, however, I am struggling with communication across devices since the keypresses must register on the RaspberryPi desktop. In addition, I am trying to implement concurrent ability to move and stream from the camera. Right now, I am only able to have mutually exclusive use of the two features since both requires the camera. However, I am planning on using threading to possibly have 2 threads spawning in order for the camera to work or add an additional RaspberryPi for one of the features and a power bank to power it separately.

Next Week’s Deliverables

Next week, I will be working on the camera mount design since we finally have the camera working. After inquiring about the 3D print and seeing how expensive it may be, I will likely be working with laser cutting a mount for the camera, laser, and gimbal combo in order to attach to the rover. Additionally, I will work on the frontend portion of the web application and get it hosted on an AWS server where I will further work on the security of the website.


Since I will be working on the verification of the camera stream latency as well as the security of the monitoring site to make it resistant to hacker attacks, I will be checking for the real-time processing of stream data to my website application and ensure it is under 50ms to minimize communication delay of where a person is to the object detection server. To do so, I will use Ping, a simple command-line tool that sends a data packet to a destination and measures the round-trip time (RTT). I will ensure the live camera feed from the RPi to the stream on my website will be under 50ms through this method. Furthermore, I will be checking the security of the website by using vulnerability scanning tools that will check for site insecurities such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection, command injection, path traversal and insecure server configuration. I will use Acunetix, a website scanning tool, that performs these tests in order to formally check the site. In addition, to prevent unwanted users from accessing the site, I will use Google OAuth to authenticate proper users (rescue workers) to be the only ones to access the site. I will get my friends to test or “break” the site by asking them to perform a series of GET and POST requests to see if they can access any website data as an authorized user. To prevent these from happen, I will introduce cross-site request forgery tokens to ensure data will not be improperly accessed.