Introducing Keynetic

Welcome to Carnegie Mellon University: ECE Capstone Projects.

We plan to create a mechanically actuated keyboard that is managed by a microcontroller. The use of a software controller will allow us to actuate a variable number of keys—more than a human could, if necessary. The user would be able to play simple notes and chords on the piano, but not an intricate or high-level song due to limitations in how fast someone would be able to signal the camera. We are limiting our scope by bounding the playing range to two octaves on a piano keyboard, white keys only, and mitigating as many unexpected real-life problems as possible when analyzing camera input. For instance, we are hoping to create an environment where the user can be distinctly recognized by the camera by using CV. Currently, there are no intuitive and widespread solutions for playing the piano without pressing keys or generating sound directly from a computer. Our solution would allow users to play without having to physically touch the piano and indeed, without even sitting down at the bench.