What did you personally accomplish this week on the project?
This week, I worked on a couple of things. First, Lance and I spent time discussing how we were going to integrate our parts of the project and how my data should be passed to him. Next, I brainstormed how to produce the mounting system for the solenoids. I have an ideate minor so I have taken a lot of classes using the laser cutter, 3d printers, etc. and have a lot of experience in designing because of that, so we figured I would build the mounting system. (I decided on 3mm clear acrylic so that you could see inside). This wasn’t originally in the Gantt chart, so that has been altered. Finally, I have been working on providing feedback to the user. This has become more of an ordeal than originally planned because I am also switching to using the detection of a symbol rather than color detection. This makes the device a lot better because now the background shouldn’t matter as much and is also easier to place on someone. (This was based on last week’s meeting). I designed two symbols to be used, for some reason WordPress won’t let me update anything right now but I will just describe them for now and try to add them later. One is a star with an R in the middle, and the other is a hexagon with an L in the middle. I want it to be able to detect these symbols and use them to trigger the notes, instead of color. I did a lot of research on how to best do this – its more complicated than I originally expected but I am currently working on a way to do it, that I think will work- I am going to create a custom Haar Cascade file for the two symbols and use that in my openCV code. I tried several other methods, like template matching, but they failed due to not being able to handle hte image at different scales or other similar problems. Finally, I decided to provide feedback to the user using the object detection that I was developing already. I found examples of people calculating depth based on faces, so I think I could try to implement that with my symbols and provide real-time feedback for moving closer or farther based on that. Because this depends on my symbol recognition implementation, which is taking more time than expected, I need to push back the Gantt chart about a week.
Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?
Technically, I am behind schedule because the feedback to the user is not working yet due to changing the mechanism but I had my schedule ending pretty early so I am going to edit the Gantt chart to incorporate the new work — making the symbol detection and creating the mounting system.
What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?
Next week, I am planning on completing the build of the mounting system and symbol detection.