Katherine’s Status Report for 02/11

This week, I worked on learning how to use OpenCV and looking for ways to implement tracking color in the screen. First, I worked on getting a screen to pop up using OpenCV so that the user could see themselves move and therefore where their movements would be on the screen, which will be important later. Next, I worked on figuring out how to track colors from the video since we want to use colors to see where someone’s hands are in the screen. The photo shows the code correctly identifying my jacket as red in multiple places. I am able to identify colors red, green, and blue in a picture and the next step will be correlating those to where in the screen they are. I don’t predict this will be very difficult, and I am hoping to get it done tomorrow. My progress is on schedule so far, and for next week I want to work on making sure gestures are recognized by where they are in the screen.

Sun A’s Status Report for February 11th

This week, my team and I worked on preparing for the presentation on Monday and Wednesday. I worked on creating the slides for use case requirements and work distribution. I also reviewed the slides before submitting so it wasn’t just Katherine (the presenter for the first presentation) carrying the burden of the presentation. Once I was finished with the presentation, I reached out to my ECE professors: Sullivan and Budnik.

I reached out to Prof. Budnik to ask him about the logistics of using 14 solenoids and what type of power source I would require and whether I should create a PCB board (proto type version but the full-printed version). Then, I reached out to Prof. Sullivan to ask him when I can start ordering items for the project. Once he gave me a yes to ordering items, I started organizing the supply list to build the external actuator system. I also submitted a form to reserve a keyboard from the ECE receiving — which I will pick up on Monday. The supply list is found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KT2KdjSYv742DpTE78x0QGn6WlaC9QxSE4kucoY2tVU/edit?usp=sharing

As of this week, I would say my progress is within the time frame that the team and I have set out for me. I hope to really start ordering items from Amazon and Adafruit (I just got a notification that their mosfets are in stock!).