This week, I worked on generating the on-screen grid for the playing mode and the generative mode, generating notes in playing mode, as well as finalizing how each of these will work. For the note mode, I decided to implement a delay to determine whether someone is actually pressing a key or chord — so a counter starts as soon as one of the notes / chords sees the color enter and if a certain amount of time passes, the note is generated. There is a “button” at the bottom, shown in purple in the attached photo, that will switch to generative mode if either hand is inside the box for 2 seconds. Generative mode is shown as a grid, and we are going to have patterns stored defined by the order of grid boxes passed through. By constantly recording which grid boxes the person moves their hand through, we can determine if any patterns have been matched and use that to generate a sequence of keys. Next, I am going to try to hook up sound to test how the playing is actually going to sound and work more on the generative mode. I am currently a bit off schedule since we didn’t account for initial work in the schedule, but the schedule needs to be reworked after making a lot of changes to howwe are going to approach the project. There was a lot of open time in my section before, so it will be easy to just shift everything down a week and add some more into the schedule.
Shown in the images is note mode and generative mode. I have my finger over the camera so that the graphic can be seen a lot easier.