This week, my team and I worked on preparing for the presentation on Monday and Wednesday. I worked on creating the slides for use case requirements and work distribution. I also reviewed the slides before submitting so it wasn’t just Katherine (the presenter for the first presentation) carrying the burden of the presentation. Once I was finished with the presentation, I reached out to my ECE professors: Sullivan and Budnik.
I reached out to Prof. Budnik to ask him about the logistics of using 14 solenoids and what type of power source I would require and whether I should create a PCB board (proto type version but the full-printed version). Then, I reached out to Prof. Sullivan to ask him when I can start ordering items for the project. Once he gave me a yes to ordering items, I started organizing the supply list to build the external actuator system. I also submitted a form to reserve a keyboard from the ECE receiving — which I will pick up on Monday. The supply list is found here:
As of this week, I would say my progress is within the time frame that the team and I have set out for me. I hope to really start ordering items from Amazon and Adafruit (I just got a notification that their mosfets are in stock!).