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Jimmy Ray’s Status Report for March 25

Jimmy Ray’s Status Report for March 25

This week I made very good progress. I got the CV program working with the video and have experimented with the optimization of it to make it work faster. I also have worked on the detection of solids vs stripes vs the eight ball vs 

Justin’s Status Report for 3-25-23

Justin’s Status Report for 3-25-23

This week I did not make much progress. Thanks to the ideas of my teammates I have a plan for when to implement switches between sending and receiving data on the Arduinos. Currently, I am slightly behind on my progress as we plan to start 

Team Status Report For March 25th, 2023

Team Status Report For March 25th, 2023

This Week was Really Good in terms of progress for the team. Devank finished a preliminary bug-free shot calculation that can find the optimal shot given a random game state. Jimmy got the CV system to work and is able to detect pool balls and differentiate them with solids and stripes. Justin is finishing up a lot of the smart embedded cue stick and is almost done having the Arduinos on the pool table and the cue stick communicate with each other. The only significant risk to the progress of the team is the troubles that might come with the integration of all three sub-systems and to minimize this we have extensively discussed failure cases and how to get over them. Although one of the systems is a little behind on progress, we should still be in good shape to finish on time and will have to compensate for it in the upcoming week. No Changes have been made to the design of the systems either.

Devank Status Report for March 25th, 2023

Devank Status Report for March 25th, 2023

This Week I made a lot of progress. I redesigned the entire software stack for the shot calculation since it was extremely buggy and slow. After a rewrite of the entire code base for calculation, today I removed the last bug from a preliminary shot 

Jimmy’s Status Report for March 18

Jimmy’s Status Report for March 18

I continued work on the CV Program. I have the code working on static pictures to identify all pool balls. This works very well and I have it currently outputting all of the centers of the pool balls. When I tried it with live video 

Devank Status Report 18th March, 2023

Devank Status Report 18th March, 2023

This work my work was split into two parts. The first was toward the shot calculation system and the second was toward the ethics assignment.

For the former, I am now at a point where I am able to create a list of possible shots for every ball. The system is full able to map a line from the cue ball to the target ball and returns a 2d list of every one of these shots where the format of the list is as follows:

[[slope of line between cue ball to ball 1,y-intercept of  line between cue ball and ball 1],….]

The system also successfully detects if another ball is obstructing the path between these two balls and if so returns a default value of -1 for both these coordinates. I will have to look into other values since -1 is a valid slope and a valid y-intercept. Moreover, the system now is also able to create a line between the target ball and the pockets. This is represented in the same format as above and the same collision detection mechanism is used. It is a little buggy right now since I am not fully able to get the correct lines but the fix should not be too bad. The best pocket is also calculated for the ball by first creating a line between the target ball and the pockets, storing all non-obstructed shots and then finding the minimum slope difference between the new line and the line from the first list mentioned above. I am on tract to finish a preliminary shot calculation system by next week and my next steps towards the same are going to be fixing the set of second lines and image generation. I also need to finalize with Jimmy what the CV system is going to feed to me since right now I am assuming the entire pool table lies on the positive x-y plane with 0,0 being the bottom-left pocket of the pool table.


The second category of work was toward the ethics assignment. As part of a homework, we read two research papers on ethics in technology design and answered around 10 questions on the same.

I am not behind on my schedule to integrate everything either, The pool table has not been fully constructed since we did not know where to store the full system. Although I am going to finish that this week and then store it in one of the HH labs.


Justin’s Status Report for 3-18-23

Justin’s Status Report for 3-18-23

This week I spent most of my time working on the Ethics assignment. I also had less time to work than usual because I was away for Spring break. I was able to get started working on the Radio transceivers, and have set them up 

Team Status Report for March 18, 2023

Team Status Report for March 18, 2023

This week was mostly spent by the team working on the group ethics assignment and on our individual parts. All 3 subsystems are making significant progress and we are still on track with our schedule. The only significant risk to the project right now is 

Team Status Report for March 11

Team Status Report for March 11

This week was mostly spent working on the frame and Design Report. Now that the wood had arrived, since it was already behind, we spent most of the time building the frame to catch up.

An early photo of our in-progress frame. More supports have since been added to make it more stable.

Currently there are no major risks, now that the rest of our supplies have come in. There is the risk of being unable to fit the projector on our frame, but we have enough spare wood to create extra support systems. There have been no changes to our design or schedule. Everything is proceeding within our expectations.

Justin’s Status Report for 3-11-23

Justin’s Status Report for 3-11-23

These past two weeks, I spent most of my time working on the design report. Afterwards, I spent time creating outlines for the radio transceiver code. Unfortunately, I currently only have access to one Arduino, so I was unable to test my work. My progress