This week, I personally accomplished finishing writing the eye tracking algorithm and the classification of determining whether a driver is looking away from the road for more than 2 seconds, as well as the calibration needed for this process. After preliminary testing, I did notice some bugs in the algorithm due to noise. After getting some advice from my research advisor, I tuned my algorithm to instead calculate the distance of the pupil moving to the two far end points of the eye. If the distance between the center of the pupil is very near these two endpoints, then this determines whether a driver is looking away. I’ll speak to the professor in our weekly meeting next week to see if this is enough for the eye tracking algorithm. I also started working on the blinking feature.
Despite my advances, I am still behind schedule due to other assignments from other classes and testing of the eye tracking algorithm. I plan on focusing on the blinking and mouth detection feature this week. After these two features are complete, all of the computer vision code will have been finished. Testing and integration with the hardware can soon be commenced.
Next week I plan on having the algorithms for the blinking and mouth detection features done as well as the classification needed to determine whether a driver is sleepy by the frequency of blinks and lengths of yawning.