Nish’s Status Report 4/1/2023

What did you personally accomplish this week on the project? Give files orphotos that demonstrate your progress. Prove to the reader that you put sufficient effort into the project over the course of the week (12+ hours).

This week I managed to get Xcode running, which took several hours to load and run. I am able to deploy code to my phone directly to test out the camera functionality. The image below shows hello world deployed to the phone. Currently, I am working on pulling up the camera itself through a button.

I also worked a lot this week on reframing how to approach the app’s development. I watched several crash courses on how to code in Swift after deciding that we should in fact try to code everything in Swift rather than relying on Kivy to launch in Xcode. I found a resource, PySwift, that will allow us to call our open CV in PYthon in Xcode, so we will be able to keep that portion of our project but we will also need to learn Swift to code our UI.  

The image here shows a screenshot of linking our phone’s systems to Xcode, which took about 6 hours of work itself in order to be able to link them together.  We are almost also done with pulling up the camera specifically on an iPhone 12, fixing up bugs from last week as we test it on a real device.

 Is your progress on schedule or behind? If you are behind, what actions will be taken to catch up to the project schedule?

I think we are on time, as we are each working individually to produce our interim demo.

 What deliverables do you hope to complete in the next week?


I hope to integrate the camera with a real interface and speakers so that we can show a working interface for our interim demo, even though the CV won’t be integrated.  We should be able to pull up 1) BLE transmission through Caroline’s work, 2) pulling up the camera and putting it away, and 3) playing sound through the speakers by interim demo.

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