This week I made a decent amount of progress on both CAD and fabrication. I was able to finish out a preliminary model for our component shields and the lift arms, which I also started laser cutting. The gear-cam system also got printed, but I may do a reprint with a larger cam if the lift height isn’t adequate.
As for schedule, I’m catching up quickly by getting everything made, but the true mark will be after the interim demo. I think we’re going to utilize the 2-week slack time for further integration and testing, which allows for redesigns of the lift arms.
In the next week, I’ll have the component shields cut, as well as perform any necessary iteration on the lift arms in terms of height and length. If all goes well in this area this week, I’ll start shifting more towards software and integration of different modules with Jack and George.
I have photos of the assembly and CAD models to add, but WordPress is having issues 🙁