Team Status Report for 3/18/2023

Significant Risks

  • LiDAR mapping
    • When we attempted mapping HH1307, the system had trouble with recognizing windows as walls. While mapping we used tethered driving, which required us moving behinds the robot, so we may have impacted the accuracy of the map. Now that we have tele-op functionally working, we will attempt mapping again. Additionally, we will also setup our backup LiDAR system (RealSense L515) to see if it has similar issues.
  • Bin CV with movement
  • Ros Navigation Stack Setup
    • Need to attempt setting up navigation, but this is limited by our understanding of ROS. Additionally, navigation is limited by the map quality produced by SLAM, so mapping is a hard dependency as of now.

Design Changes

No design changes were made, but we did buy a USB network adapter so we can connect to the Jetson wirelessly if using the AGX. This will allow us to remote access for debug, monitoring, and tele-op for driving, map creation.



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