The current risks and their associated mitigations are listed below:
- Jetson Xavier AGX ethernet connection is unreliable. We’re attempting to reconfigure the computer but mitigation plan will be to switch to the Jetson Xavier Nx.
- Last year’s team that worked with the Roomba used a Xavier Nx for their Project, and seemed to have less problems
- Stepper motor gearboxes are quite expensive, and purchasing them would put us a bit too tight on budget. We’re looking at 3D printing gears instead to achieve a lift weight that meets design requirements. If this fails, another lift mechanism will have to be created.
- SLAM/LIDAR: After reflashing the Jetson, it has successfully connected to Matlab. Some Matlab LIDAR api calls were built for the Jetson, but a full build has not been attempted with all possible api calls. In case full build does not succeeded, will attempt ROS slam.
There have been no major project changes yet, but pending the success of 3D printed gears we may have to redesign the lift system. [Add anything else]
We haven’t changed our project schedule, but there has been more collaboration on different tasks than just 1-2 group members. Notably, all 3 of us worked together on the Roomba’s tethered driving. Task fill and assistance is listed below:
- All 3 of us supported Roomba bringup
- George will help Zach with stepper motor control
- [Others?]
Project successes this week:
- USB camera calibration and distance detection
- Roomba drive control
- Jetson reflashed
- Matlab LIDAR: Jetson conected to Matlab, Matlab -> Cpp test build on Jetson succeeded.
[Drop in photos/links if we want]