This week I worked on implementing the connection between multiple Seeed BLE boards and a central controller. To facilitate this, I modified the peripheral code, having each Seeed board’s characteristic utilize the notify function to allow the central board to subscribe to multiple peripherals at once. Unfortunately, because I only brought 2 Seeed boards home, I had to buy a Arduino Nano 33 IoT to test the multi board connection. Luckily, the BLE library worked fine with the board and I was able to test the central connecting with two peripherals simultaneously. The code has been updated on the github to reflect these changes. I also wrote the Introduction, Use-Case requirements, Architecture, and Design Requirements sections of the design report and helped with the Design studies, Summary, and Glossary of Terms.
This work puts me a bit ahead of schedule since I believe this will allow me to scale up to multiple switch devices without much hassle.
Next week I plan to get multiple keys working and, when the single switch PCBs get here, solder together the switch breakout board with the Seeed boards and test their stability.
Here is a video of the two key receiver working: