Vivian’s Status Report for 4/23

This week, I worked with Angel to cut a hole in the PVC pipe for our breath sensor. I also cut down all the wires, connected all the grounds to a common ground using wagos, and fit everything inside the controller nicely.

Currently, our board is not inside the controller because the BLE we were using stopped connecting to bluetooth and we need to order a new one. I also worked on our final presentation slides and began testing the controller.

I also ran into a bit of an issue with the breath sensor today. The piece of latex is really sensitive to humidity, and after playing it for a few minutes the piece can warp from the moisture. I’ll work on fixing it this week, I’m thinking of adding some more tape to reduce the moisture hitting the latex and add some cardboard so the user’s mouth isn’t that close.

I’m currently a bit behind schedule due to the problems I’m having with the board and the breath sensor, but I feel confident that I’ll be able to troubleshoot this week and next week.

Next week, I hope to fix up the breath sensor and make it more resistant to humidity, glue down the buttons, breath sensor, battery, and board inside the controller, and continue testing the controller for feel and accuracy.

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