Angel’s Status Report for 4/30

Angel’s Status Report for 4/30

This week, I mainly worked on the final presentation, and started testing. I was able to test Bluetooth speed and accuracy for the buttons as well. I also started planning out the demo mode that we are going to show during demos. It will not 

Team Status Report for 4/30

Team Status Report for 4/30

No major design changes were made this week. The most significant risk we face at the moment is tests failing close to the deadline. We’re planning to finish our testing tomorrow so we have time to make any adjustments. We also need to get a 

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/30

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/30

This week, I mostly worked on the final presentation slides for our final presentation this week. I also made the breath sensor more resistant to humidity by adding some cardboard padding between the user’s mouth and the breath sensor, so hopefully less moisture gets into 

Angel’s Status Report for 4/23

Angel’s Status Report for 4/23

This I worked with Vivian to finalize the controller. We went to techspark and drilled in another hole for the breath control sensor, and I also helped to wire the buttons into the PVC pipe. We were able to fit all of the components into 

Team Status Report for 4/23

Team Status Report for 4/23

No changes were made to the design this week.  The BLE board we were going to fit inside the controller broke this week, so we run the risk of not having a board that fits inside the controller. We’re ordering another one to come early 

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/23

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/23

This week, I worked with Angel to cut a hole in the PVC pipe for our breath sensor. I also cut down all the wires, connected all the grounds to a common ground using wagos, and fit everything inside the controller nicely. Currently, our board 

Angel’s Status Report for 4/16

Angel’s Status Report for 4/16

This week, I added breath control inputs into the program that plays the flute sounds. Previously, it was only depending on the fingerings. This allows me to test playing different octaves of notes, as well as testing duration/start/stopping of playing those notes. I also started 

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/16

Judenique’s Status Report for 4/16

This week was about finishing up the learn mode and working on further integration with the controller. Specifically, I was able to interpret more of the controller data: the new data would render a bar with how hard a user is blowing and the other 

Team Status Report for 4/16

Team Status Report for 4/16

With about two weeks coming up to the end of our project, we are working on finishing the final components. We previously had stated we got all the components working in sync, however, they were not the final version such as the controller and display 

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/16

Vivian’s Status Report for 4/16

This week I made a final breath sensor that is more accurate than the old one and is small enough to fit inside the controller. It doesn’t fit inside the tube without any holes in the PVC, but I’m looking to cut a panel in