This week I have been focusing on webapp deployment. I was able to launch an EC2 instance and setup Django and Apache to serve the webapp in the cloud. I also purchased a web domain for the webapp and configured an SSL certificate for it to enable HTTPS and get better security (the webapp can be found at I updated the settings in the GCP console and FB Developer console to make sure OAuth works on the server. We ran into some issues about file permissions and python imports when deploying but ultimately we were able to get them working.
I looked into the Django messages framework and incorporated it into our webapp. Now we are able to pass messages to the user and display them on the webpage. Current four types of messages are supported: info, success, error, and warning.
I also worked on some CSS styling and HTML code restructuring. I worked on multiple pages and was able to complete the sign in page.
I will keep working on styling and help Jay to get the AJAX component working. I will also continuously deploy the latest version of the webapp to the server and monitor if there’s any issues. Next week, when the majority of the tasks are done, we will start testing our project.