This week has mostly been preparing for our presentation, and finalizing our integration stuff/deployment. Highlights include:
- Launching the website(see Harry’s report)
- Some issues with instance size due to RAM limits and modules setup
- Ajax is working (see Jay’s report)
- Still some hard to isolate bugs
- Testing is almost done (see Keaton’s report)
- Initial results look pretty good, but our misidentification rate is FAR higher than what we need for our use case requirements
- All other requirements seem like they’ll be fine (right now)
- Various CSS/HTML fixes/improvements
Overall, we’re mostly happy with where we are, for the presentation. We’re fully integrated and deployed, minus a few minor bugs that crop up here and there. Honestly, I would say that we’re pretty ready to perform the live demo, if it weren’t for the issue of getting our results up to scratch to meet our use case. While this is obviously an issue, I don’t think it will be insurmountable. We can probably implement a few additional specific secondary checks, and hopefully just barely squeak by.