Harry’s Status Report for Apr 10

This week I have been looking into implementing the API endpoint for communicating with the RPi. I also investigated potential security risks and how to mitigate them. I was able to implement the update_inventory views method with precautions against malicious actors. The current communication protocol should be able to handle the following situations:

  1. Someone tries to update another person’s inventory if they manage to get their serial number: we are including a client secret in the POST request for server to validate
  2. In case of a data breach where all of the serial number and secret pairs are leaked: we are storing the SHA256 hashed string of the client secret in the database
  3. Someone intercepts the POST request and tries to get the client secret: we will use HTTPS to send the requests so that all of the data is encrypted
  4. Someone intercepts the POST request and sends it repeatedly to the server (replay attack): we will send a timestamp along with the data and record the latest in the database. Since the request cannot be modified by the attacker, only the first request will be accepted
  5. Someone brute force the serial numbers on the registration page: we are planning to add CAPTCHA to the page

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