This week, I worked on making our taps and drags more responsive. Before working on double taps, we felt it was best that the we improved the performance of our single-tap interactions. Overall, things were fine for our MVP, however there were a few hiccups, mainly with taps sometimes being registered as small drags and drags not appearing very smooth. Matt K and I came up with a solution where we would ignore additional position updates that occur within a small radius around an initial touch. This makes it less likely that we detect a small drag when the user is really trying to tap. We found that this solution was able to fix our first problem. To make drags smoother, we averaged every couple of position updates before sending a request to the OS. This meant a slower refresh rate, but smoother interpolation of coordinates along a drag. We tinkered around with how many position updates should be averaged, and we found 5-7 gave the best results. Overall, I feel I am on schedule, especially since the tasks that we have remaining are in addition to our MVP. Although I wanted to have a simple double tap test done this week, I felt the changes we made this week were more important to the user experience. Next week, I will work on implementing double taps so that we can hopefully be able to showcase it during our poster session.