This week, my main focus was to continue the software integration. As I continued to combine my software with Darwin’s, I realized that some major decisions about the overall software design needed to be made. Therefore, much of the work that I did this week involved overall planning and design of the project’s software system. The biggest question was how exactly a touch event would be communicated to the screen control software. In the end, I chose to design a system where after subsystem B detects the touch type and position, both an event type and screen position are communicated to subsystem C. Most of the time, the event type will be “no touch”, in which case the position can be ignored. Overall, I think that I am on track to finish my parts with some slack time built in, and the fact that the PCB + components came in means that we can move forward as a team. Next week, my focus will shift to the soldering that needs to be done with the PCBs, and there may be a chance to do some physical testing near the end of the week depending on how the soldering goes.