Our biggest goal right now is to finish all of the PCB development and order the PCBs before spring break so that we can begin soldering and testing with the actual PCB once classes resume. If this is not completed before break, it is going to cost us about two weeks, so we are considering this the biggest risk to our project right now. We plan to have all three group members working on this task next week to ensure that it is completed.
Overall, no major changes have been made to the design. If anything, the biggest change is the choice to move away from the pyFirmata library for the Arduino-Python interface and to the serial library. This change was necessary due to the fact that each photodiode needed 10ms to be read, which will be far too slow for MVP goal. Moving forward, we will test different baud rates with the serial library to see how fast the system can perform.
Right now, the schedule remains the same since we are keeping up with the tasks on our Gantt chart. Overall, we feel that we have been making good progress and our project is on task to be completed successfully.