This week, I continued with developing the screen control interface. Originally, we were going to register taps detected with our sensors as mouse clicks using one of the libraries mentioned last week. However, we found that we can instead send touch control requests using Microsoft’s Win32 C++ API. We are still using Python, but taking advantage of the builtin ctypes library to create wrappers that directly call the Win32 C++ functions. The provided methods for touch manipulation support not only single taps, but also drag and multi-touch gestures, unlike the cursor-control libraries we were looking at before. This makes it more intuitive to add support beyond single-contact touches. I developed a simple interface for emulating a tap at a pair of (x,y) coordinates and testing found that the tap was successful and perceivably instantaneous. Libraries such as PyAutoGUI can take up to hundreds of milliseconds to complete a single mouse-click which would hurt the user experience. Using this new method, a touch was registered in less than a millisecond, giving us more room to work with on the hardware side as we work toward a goal of an overall response time of less than ~150ms. Overall, I am ahead of schedule, giving me time to test out simulating drag and learn more about the additional capabilities of the API. Next week, I will help in starting the breadboard/Arduino integration, while also possibly being able to start the Windows integration early in our schedule.