This week, I spent most of my time working on the CAD models for our project. For our Design Review presentation, we wanted to have a detailed model of the hardware our project would require. I spent much of the beginning of the week reproducing our actual hot pot into CAD. This proved more work than initially expected because of the complex profile of some of the pieces. However, I was able to finish modeling the pot in the first half of the week. For the second half of the week, I spent time modeling the strainer arm as well as the mechanism to move it. This gave us enough material for our Design Review, and leaves us the control tower, which houses the camera and the electronics, to CAD model in the coming weeks.
Additionally, I spent time with the rest of the team finalizing an initial parts list, as this would allow us to continue with the project. We ordered the most crucial parts of our project, like the Jetson Nano, touch screen, stepper motors, and camera. Once these parts come in, I will be able to start CAD work on the control tower, as I will be able to reference the parts that need to go into it. The CAD models I have for the strainers are also based off the ones we ordered, but because I didn’t have exact details and only had the images from the amazon listing to work off of, there is a high probability that the current model will have to be tweaked in the future.