This past week, we continued work on integration and finishing up various ends. We were able to update our designs for the arm assembly but we were unable to get them printed, as Techspark messed up our orders. However, we were still able to get everything important tested and it is only minor changes that are needed now. Additionally, We have continued work on the UI and are finishing work on the CV. We are now at the integration stage for the most part.
Our current biggest risk is if something goes wrong with integration. Because we are mostly done with the individual parts, we have mitigated most other risks. However, if there are issues, there are parts of the final product that we could cut down on if necessary. For example, we can get rid of the time adjustment feature for the cook time, as that would also improve safety and reduce the risk for food poisoning if the user reduces the cook time too much. However, we have most of the subsystems working so we seem on track to have a MVP working.